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Embracing the Truth - Encouraging the Believer - Evangelizing the World

Sunday service times: Adult Bible Study - 9:00 AM

                                     Children's Class 

                                     Morning Worship - 10:00 AM

Connect with God and each other

It can be intimidating to visit a new church, not knowing anyone or what to expect. At First Baptist Church, we are an Independent, Bible-preaching church and want you to feel at home—part of a big family and surrounded by people who care. Each week we’ll study the Bible together, explore what it means to our lives today, and authentically connect with each other and our community.

Sunday service times: 10:00AM and 5:00PM

Join us on Sundays and Wednesdays



8:45AM - Coffee and Connection

9:00 AM - Adult Bible study and Children's Sunday School (all ages)

10:00 AM - Morning worship

5:00 PM - Last Sunday of the Month - Hymn Sing & Fellowship




7:00 - 8:00 PM - Bible study for adults, youth, and kids



Beyond Sunday morning

Kids Blowing Bubbles

(6 months - 6th grade)

Sunday School
Children develop a strong faith foundation as they explore what the Bible says in a small group setting.

Nursery is available during all services.

Children's Church
"It's Grow Time" – Children systematically study God's Word and  apply it to their lives at their age.

Wednesday evening
Kids4Truth is an action-packed Club time, challenging children to engage in God's Word through memorizing verses, Bible lessons that apply to their lives, and an active game time.


(Middle school and high school)

Youth Bible Study – 9:00AM
A safe place for students to ask difficult questions and discover what the Bible means for them.

Youth Group – 7:00PM

At TGIF (Teens Growing in Faith), students will have fun, explore the Bible, and be empowered to own their faith.



Sunday Bible Study – 9:00AM
Explore the depths of Scripture as we unpack specific themes, books of the Bible, or key verses.

Wednesday Small Group Bible Study and Prayer – 7:00PM
Join us as we dig deep into God's Word, learning from Scripture, applying it to our daily lives and joining in a special time of prayer together.

Upcoming events  
Celebrating 180 Years
of reaching Fond du Lac for Christ 


Sunday Evening  Hymn Sing 

Last Sunday of each month 

 5:00 PM 

Join together with us for an evening of singing hymns, requesting your favorites  and sharing blessings. 

Fellowship time to follow, so bring along a snack to share and plan on a blessed time together.

Men's Fellowship Breakfast

1st  Saturday of each month

9:00 AM

Men's  Breakfast and Fellowship time with a challenge from God's Word.  Enjoy a great breakfast cooked by Pastor and the men.

Spoken4 Quartet 


March 23 

10:00 AM 

Our favorite quartet from Branson, MO is blessing our Morning Worship with Song and Testimony.  Plan on joining us and invite a friend to join us.   Come ready to be blessed. 

Easter Services at FBC

Remember and Celebrate 

our Risen 


April 13 - Palm Sunday Service - 10:00 AM 

April 18 - Good Friday Service - 6:30 PM 

April 20 -  Easter Morning Breakfast - 8:45 AM

                  Resurrection Morning Service - 10:00 AM 


It can be intimidating to visit a new church, not knowing anyone or what to expect. At First Baptist Church, we want you to feel at home—part of a big family and surrounded by people who care.


Church Address:

721 E. Scott Street

Fond du Lac, WI 54935


Mailing Address:

P.O. BOX 2325

Fond du Lac, WI 54935


Phone Number:






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